Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3/31/2010 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

The Public Hearing to start the Fishkill Consolidation Water District was taken off the agenda. This may be on the April 10th agenda.

The Village of Fishkill raised it's water rates. When that happens, Fishkill Town Districts of Blodgett, Beacon Hills and Glenham also go up. As those districts buy their water through the village.

The rate increases are substantial. They use a different formula that I am unfamiliar with so I can't give you hard numbers.

Supervisor Pagones stated this is a 40 year agreement, and that town districts pay 1.5 times over the village rate.

Deputy Supervisor Ferguson was absent and no reason was given. He is a resident of the Beacon Hills District.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Letter Regarding Snow Storm

As a active Fishkill resident. I would like to commend the actions, of the Highway Department. Along with the work of my FD, Slater Chemical. During the recent winter storm. As the power went out on my block. A fire crew, walked in over a foot of snow, at 2 AM. To warn the neighborhood. That a tree, fell onto a utility poll and was blocking access to the main road. After the storm, they came by, and pumped out basements. While at the same time clearing our drainage basins and fire hydrants.

Our Highway Department was also out there, clearing the roads and helping out our fellow residents. This storm occurred less than 3 months. After Supervisor Pagones and Councilpersons, Malvarosa and Ferguson. Cut Highway Department salaries and instituted a “Lag Pay”. This was done, as no elected official took a pay cut. Instead of “Packing It In”. The Highway Department, showed true grit and integrity. Too bad our Town Board. Did not give them time to petition the public, to save their salaries, like the county allowed the Sheriffs to do.

While we have elected officials in Fishkill. Taking credit for what other people do. We need to hold them accountable for their failed planning. For instance, after spending 3.6 million on a new Recreation/Senior Center without a Public Vote. Pagones, Malvarosa and Ferguson failed to include generators in the project. So instead of taking care of our own, we had to ship them to East Fishkill.

Ozzy Albra