Monday, August 30, 2010

Fishkill Tea Party 8/30/2010

The Fishkill Tea Party was held today at the Town of Fishkill Recreation Center. The topic of discussion was the $4.9 million dollar defict and the NYS Comptrollers Audit.

This was truly a bi-partisan event. Speakers were from all political parties as both Democrats and Republicans had the floor. About 50 people attended the event and the response was clearly positive. I anticipate future events under a different community oriented name. I will keep you posted and here is a copy of my speech.


Hello, my name is Ozzy Albra and I am a longtime Fishkill resident. I would like to thank Mr. Harvey for inviting me, and to all in the crowd, I thank you for attending this important meeting of Fishkill residents.

We are gathered here today, to talk about the budget deficit reported by the NYS Comptroller.

Before we talk about that, we need to review what caused this economic disaster.

What caused it, was the failed economic policies of Fishkill Supervisor Joan Pagones. Those failed policies include the botched Assessment program, a “borrow, bond and spend” policy, a Zero Based budgeting policy that resulted in a zero Reserve Fund. This according to her right hand man, resulted in Robbing Peter to pay Paul. For at least the last 5 years, Pagones has filed inaccurate annual financial reports to the NYS Comptroller. Moody’s downgrade to just above Junk Bonds. This toxic financial policy has led to the NYS Comptroller to release a critical report regarding Fishkill’s economic vitality.

Among the issues cited in the report are:

Our deficit is $4.9 million or equal to 35% of our annual budget.

Pagones took money in the form of loans from water and sewer districts to pay bills. While that is legal, the law requires that those loans be paid back by the end of the fiscal year, which they have not.

The money taken from those funds are currently unaccounted for.

Pagones also used money from trust funds and capital projects.

For example, Pagones bonded out 7 M for the Rombout Sewer District infrastructure and transferred 1.2 M to the general fund, which means that residents of this district are subsidizing the town.

The Comptroller added, “These transfers were an improper use of borrowed moneys, and that Local Finance Laws does not allow such debt proceeds to be used to finance operations. This according to the Comptroller, created taxpayer inequities.

The Comptroller added that there is also a lack of control on cash receipts, and security issues. The Comptroller also censored part of the report due to sensitive issues, this is a rare occurrence indeed.

Throughout the process, Pagones has denied any wrongdoing and has not accepted any responsibility for her failed economic polices. Instead, she has wielded her power to silence those who dared to question her.

I was thrown out of a Town Board meeting when I called for a Ethics Commission to be created.

Town employees have been threatened with termination for using the 1st amendment.

A sitting Councilman was stripped of his duties when he dared to ask why $300,000 was spent on a lawyer, who represented her and not the towns in regard to the Comptrollers report.

Just yesterday in the PJ, Pagones wrote an editorial blaming everyone else and not once accepted responsibility as Supervisor or as the Chief Financial Officer of the town.

It is apparent that Pagones does not have the best interest of Fishkill, only hers. For that reason, I call on her to resign immediately, so this town can come together and work through this difficult time together. As long as Pagones is in charge, the fiscal situation of the town will grow worse, after all, the NYS Comptroller has already rejected her 5 year plan and we all should reject her now. Thank You and God Bless.