Thursday, December 29, 2011

12/28/2011 Town Board Meeting

A group of residents showed up from the White Birch development, which is located on 9D in Dutchess Junction. There were complaints about road service.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fishkill PD investigate racial graffiti

For more local news, check out

FISHKILL – Town of Fishkill Police are investigating an incident of a spray painted racial slur on Plymouth Street in the Dutchess Park area Saturday evening.

Police Chief Donald Williams said a variation of the “N” word was painted across the street, but he is not sure if it was targeted at anyone in particular. An investigator is actively working the case.

Williams said police suspect the graffiti was the work of kids and more sensitivity education is warranted.

“I think a lot of it has to come through the parents, parents have to be aware of what their kids are doing and where they are, and I think they have to discuss these situations with the children and make sure they understand this isn’t appropriate actions that their children may be involved in,” he said. “It needs everybody’s attention and we are not going to tolerate it.”

The chief also said vehicles were spray painted with graffiti on Halloween in two areas of the town, but he had not hear there were any anti-Semitic overtones. One town resident told there was Nazi propaganda graffiti sprayed in one case.

This activity comes on the heels of racial slurs posted at SUNY New Paltz, which the college is actively investigating.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Property Taxes rise in Fishkill

According to the November 16th, 2011 edition of the Southern Dutchess News.

The Property Tax Levy, the amount of money the town needs for the year, is up 6.45%.

The Tax Rate, the amount the individual property owner pays, went up 9.01%

Friday, November 11, 2011

Senate committee clears preservation of Fishkill Supply Depot

WASHINGTON – The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has given its nod to allow federal funding for the Fishkill Supply Depot property in the Town of Fishkill, a depot for the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

The American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2011, which is supported by the National Park Service, must now go before the full Senate.

Senator Charles Schumer has been pushing for the federal designation to clear the way for funding. The current Battlefield Protection Program promotes preservation of Civil War battlefields.

In recent years, hundreds of graves dating back to the Revolutionary War have been found at the site.

Schumer said the bill would be a boost to the Hudson Valley’s “booming” tourism economy, while preserving the landmark for future generations.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Water & Sewer Consolidation in Fishkill?

Recently, Fishkill announced it recieved a grant to consolidate water districts in Fishkill. This is my letter to the editor regarding it.

Last week, Supervisor Pagones announced that Fishkill was the recipient. Of a grant to consider water and sewer consolidation. She mentioned that rent's in districts ranged from $7.70 to $50.40. Let me tell you how this happened. Under the regime of Pagones. She created water and sewer districts that allowed developers to put up more homes per acre. While passing the cost of water and sewer on the new homeowner. These districts include the Merritt Park districts which encompass the huge Toll Brothers development. This district has major water problems, as the NYS Health Department has called for remedial action on this well. One solution is to build a $22 million Reverse Osmosis plant. Bedford NY, a town of our size, is building one at that cost. Should the longtime taxpayer be responsible for Pagones's and the developers mistakes? The Rombout Sewer District that covers 9D. Has a $13 million debt load. Combining districts would mean that long time homeowner. That has paid off their infrastructure costs. Will now get the chance to pay for developers, that made big time cash. Let's take Pagones's numbers as a example. Let's add her numbers, that's $58 and now divide it, it's $29. So Pagones after she already tripled the water rates in Fishkill last year. Wants longtime Fishkill taxpayer. To pay much more, so developers can make make more cash. Think that's bad? What about the $10 million that she borrowed from water and sewer districts across town and transferred to the General Fund and spent? Great way to get rid of that debt on your back huh? The grant will also go to the same engineers and lawyers. That helped Pagones create this mess. No kidding, the people that caused this problem are now going to make even more cash. It pays to donate money to Pagones's political campaign. Fortunately, the citizens of Fishkill had enough of these shenanigans and voted her out and a new town board in.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fishkill needs a few Democrats on board

Fishkill residents will have a new Town Board for 2012. We have seen Republican Bob LaColla transcend politics by putting the town first. Bob has earned the honor to be supervisor.

However, there are two vacant board seats up for election. While both Republican candidates are good men, the brutal reality is Fishkill is now facing millions in deficits and major water/sewer problems due to 5-0 Republican control for the last 20 years.

I urge my Republican friends and fellow conservatives to consider the two Democrats for council.

Mara Farrell was instrumental in stopping a strip mall from being built on a Revolutionary War burial ground in Fishkill.

Tim Tuttle is a young attorney who can save us money. How? Fishkill budgeted $125,000 for lawyers, but spent $450,000 last year by outsourcing.

It's time for some "checks and balances" in Fishkill. For more, check them out at:

Ozzy Albra


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19/2011 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

Charge backs for over assessed properties was $169,000 and will be bonded out. Councilman LaColla asked if another $16M was outstanding. Supervisor Pagones said it would have to dealt with next year. Looks like another $200,000 bond for next year.

Supervisor Pagones announced a deal with the PBA. I wonder if it's in the budget, tbd.

Public Hearing set for November 9th for the budget.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/12/2011 Fishkill Budget Workshop

The $3.2 M bond that expires in December has not been paid back and will be a issue for 2012.

$200,000 is owed to the county for lower assessments, Pagones indicated that this money will need to be bonded out next year.

Fishkill owes Beacon up to $200,000 for water and sewer, inside sourced indicate that the amount is over $1 million.

The $750,000 that was donated by a developer for Siscar Sewer was placed in the Dutchess Park Sewer District and spent.

Huge rate increases are in store for the Rombout/Merritt water and sewer districts.

Energy costs were left out of the budget.

Councilman Ferguson will be retiring on December 31. That means a open seat for next Novembers election.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Poor and Unwanted in Fishkill: The Snow Valley Tragedy

posted by judgeboyajian
Wed, 09/28/2011 - 10:50am

Visiting Snow Valley in Fishkill it is hard to believe that you are in affluent New York State. The poverty here goes beyond Appalachia rivaling the ghettos of Brazil or parts of Africa. You feel that you are no longer in America.

There are Native Americans here from a tribe out of North Dakota that settlers wiped out by killing off their Buffalo food supply and giving them blankets infected with small pox. Now we are unceremoniously throwing them out of their homes with no place else to go.

The sewage system here consists of an open pit that residents pour their refuge into. This pit may seep into the water supply and a nearby stream that runs through the collection of shanty trailer homes.

The owner is a mining company called Montfort and they have issued a 30 day eviction notice to the residents here on the eve of winter. One wonders how they can expect these residents to pack up and move from their long term homes in just 30 days as the snow begins to fall.

HUD, DEC and health authorities in Dutchess County have regulatory authority over this site yet there is no sign of their involvement according to Peter Rostenberg of the Fishkill Ridge Caretakers an environmental group seeking to help out with the situation. Local preservationist Mara Farrell and local attorney Tim Tuttle are also helping out as is educator Ved Shravah and long term county legislator Alison MacAvery who is knocking on the doors of government agencies regarding this situation. Help is also coming as far away as Boston with the involvement of financial worker Cheryl Miller who is an environmental activist.

Montfort was recently seen drilling with a bit as “thick as a human thigh” in this area and may have found something below ground that is the reason why they are evicting everyone here. It seems to be profit above humanity when you are poor and unwanted in the Town of Fishkill.

September 28 Fishkil Town Board Meeting

It was a quit meeting until it got to the point of new business. When Counciman LaColla thanked Supervisor Pagones for her 20 years of service and asked for a smooth transition, as LaColla beat Pagones at a earlier primary. Pagones said there would be no smooth transition and that she was going to issue a press release soon.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fishkill's Financial Outlook Worse than Predicted

New information regarding a $3.6 million Bond Anticipation Note. Regarding the finances of the Town of Fishkill. I have inluded the bond issued by Jefferies & Company so you can review the information on your own. This is very informative.

The following items should concern the taxpayer.

1.The bank holding the bond for the Merritt Sewer Bond (see page 1 last paragraph) that was due April 21, 2011, opted to not renew an existing $1.9 M note (see table top of page 2)

2.The town does not have the money to cover the note.

3.Due to the town’s current bond rating, the new interest rate will be 4.75% (cover page.) This rate is substantially higher than what other neighboring towns are paying and higher than the rates of the notes being replaced.

4.The proceeds of the bond offering are to be used to repay the cash used for the Merritt bond, other bonds coming due over the next several months and for new borrowing for two water districts. (Table top of page 2)

5.The bond statement discloses that the town incurred an unaudited deficit of approximately $1.2 m in the general and highway funds. (page A-6) Although the water, sewer, lighting and ambulance districts show a surplus, the town is constitutionally bound to use the funds generated in special districts for special district purposes only.

6.The town has not delivered the Annual Update Document that was due May 1, 2011 to New York State. This has a negative impact on interest rates the town must pay.

7.More bonds will be comming due in 2012. Any idea of the up-comming interest rates on those?

8.Pagones has failed to implement GASB Statement 45 regarding health benifit requirments.

Please note, that Supervisor Pagones. Left out a $3.4 million bond that she took out in December 2010. This was to cover 2009 & 2010 OVERSPENDING and was not used for Capital Projects. Ergo, if Pagones is INCREASING the defict by over $1 million, how can she claim to be paying off the debt? It's just like paying off one credit card with another with a higher interest rate.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Moody's Shows great concern for Fishkill and 2% tax cap.

"Of particular concern are the issuers who already face significant financial pressure," said Weber, listing as examples the towns of Colonie, Fishkill, and East Greenbush, and the cities of Newburgh and Glen Cove.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Conservative Party 2011 endorsements

They endorsed Pagones for Supervisor, Malvarosa and Garnot.

Fishkill Independence Party endorsements for 2011

The party has endorsed the following candidates.

Robert LaColla for Supervisor

Mara Farrell for Councilwoman

Kurt Buck for Councilman

Gerald Vergilis for Town Justice

Harold Epstein for Town Justice

Glen Scofield for Highway Superindendant

Allison MacAvery for County Legislator

James Miccio for County Legislator



Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4th 2011 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

Of interest is a proposed law for "Financial Disclosure." The law appears to be a act of retaliation for a town board member who is challenging the Supervisor for her job.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

$40,000 rec facility sign an extravagance SDN 6/1/2011

Last weeks paper covered Fishkill's new Senior Center $40,000 electronic sign. As quoted by Supervisor Pagones. The sign will be paid for by the Parklands Trust Fund. Last year at Novembers Budget Meeting. I asked the Comptroller how much money was left in the fund. The Comptroller responded that there was between 18-24 months left in the fund. Also quoted by Pagones, the fund is replenished by developer fees. Since we all know that development is nearly at a standstill. Is it wise for Pagones to spend $40,000 on a sign? Should we not use that money to pay off the center first? Or how about fixing the leaking roof on the $3.6 million facility? What happens when the money dries up after this years Election Day? Does the debt come out of the General Fund or does Pagones continue to borrow money. Like she did to balance this years budget by borrowing $1.8 million to avoid a 45% tax increase.

While employees and citizens continue to suffer through record tax increases and givebacks in the last 3 years. Pagones continues to spend money like a sailor on leave with a unlimited credit card. You would think that Pagones who has us in record debt would be more frugal with what little resources we have. But alas, there is also a leaking roof at Town Hall. Look at it as you drive by on Rt.52. Multiple shingles have been missing for over a year. When will Pagones act? When the plywood and frame are so rotted out that the cost will be $40,000 instead of a couple of hundred bucks for simple maintenance?

Finally, I would like to say thank you to President Obama. Who amended a Presidential disaster declaration to allow Fishkill to recover $40,000 during the storms. (We all know we need the money) I would also like to commend the President for directing the operation that eliminated bin Laden.

Ozzy Albra

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11th, 2011 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

The town settled a lawsuit with TCG Fishkill II, LLC for $58,000. The town will pay $30,000 and the insurance company will pay $58,000.

The town also accepted a bid of nearly $40,000 for the new Recreation Sign to be installed in front of the Senior/Recreation Center, with those monies being paid for by Parklands Trust Funds.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

April 9, 2011 Fishkill Board Meeting

Supervisor Pagones failed to provide a budget update as promised to the press and public. She blammed it on a computer error.

Councilman Callahan announced a Health Department program that had to do with Lyme disease and that the HD would spray your yard if you joined a study group. Applications at Town Hall.

More consent orders that lower business property assessments.

Pagones approved Flo-Rida to play at Dutchess Stadium.

Here is a clip of his work, that demeans woman.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Letter in 4/6/2011 Southern Dutchess News

A few weeks ago, the paper published. A "story" that the Town of Fishkill was "On Track To Erase Deficit." For regular readers, I have some good news and some bad. First the good news, to all my friends and foes who complain that my letters are too long. Let me tell you that this letter will be short.

Now the bad news. How can Fishkill be reducing it's deficit. When it's "Borrowing-Bonding" $1.8 Million to balance the 2011 budget to avoid a additional 45% tax increase? Yes, it's true, I asked the Fishkill Comptroller. At the budget meeting and this is what he told the audience, in front of Supervisor Pagones! You could have seen it too. But Fishkill is the only Southern Dutchess municipality that does not televise it's meetings. Now you know the reason why.

Ozzy Albra

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fishkill Revolution War/Burial Ground story

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, New York’s Revolutionary War-era Fishkill Supply Depot historic archaeological district represents one of the least understood threatened cultural landscapes in the nation.
Established by General George Washington, the Fishkill Supply Depot thrived as a sophisticated military city center for the bulk of the Revolutionary War. The self-contained establishment—one of the most extensive of its time—functioned as a small city and the site of one of the largest early military cemeteries in the nation. In spite of its great historical significance, in the latter half of the 20th century, rapid suburbanization obscured its stories and threatened its preservation. While the heart of the complex remained, much of the cultural landscape was sacrificed for commercial development. Currently, two essential open space properties at the heart of the Depot Complex are at risk of further development.

In the town of Fishkill, several miles from the Hudson River and surrounded by the Hudson Highlands, lies the physical space that defines the Fishkill Supply Depot. Stretching over more than 70 acres on both sides of the heavily trafficked Route 9 in Fishkill and trimmed by Interstate 84, a portion of the site is now home to the Dutchess Mall, built in the early 1970s and a Hess gasoline station, built in the 1990s. Although it remains true that aspects of the site have been impacted by prior commercial development, critical areas of this historic landscape remain, and are now threatened with a fresh round of development.


Established by command of General George Washington in 1776, thousands of Continental troops, Militia, and their families, resided at the Depot complex until April 1783, five months before the Treaty of Paris was signed ending the Revolutionary War. Funded by the Continental Congress, this military “nerve center” matured into the central and most extensive Northern military logistical center for munitions and war supplies of all types. The highest level of American technology was in action at the Fishkill Supply Depot. Simultaneously, it was home to a medical complex, a prison facility, powder magazines, store houses, artillery park and numerous artisan workshops—as well as residences for officers and barracks for thousands of soldiers during the fight for independence. Although under British surveillance, the Depot was never attacked. Its stalwart position in the Hudson River Valley prevented enemy advances. General George Washington stated the war would simply not have been won without the Fishkill Supply Depot.

Although the Depot itself was never under fire, hundreds—likely thousands, perished there. War wounds, hypothermia, dysentery, and small pox were leading causes of death. Periods of starvation were also endured by troops during the Depot's seven years of service.

In the 1960s and 1970s archaeological excavations helped bring attention to the Fishkill Depot property. These surveys helped spur the restoration of the officer’s headquarters—the Van Wyck Homestead—by the Fishkill Historical Society. The restored structure is now home to the Van Wyck Homestead Museum.

In the Spring of 2006, as plans for further commercial development were gathering steam, local historians and activists banded together to advocate for permanent protection of the properties within the Fishkill Supply Depot historic district. The first step taken by the group, now known as Friends of the Fishkill Supply Depot, was to lobby for further archaeological review of the endangered acres. Through extensive study of previous archaeological reports, it became clear that the undeveloped acres contained important unrecorded archaeological resources. Previous cultural resource management surveys had recommended these properties simply be written off and developed. Signatories of a petition calling for further review, included archaeologists, historians, environmentalists, and concerned citizens throughout the country. The group’s advocacy work, pressing for further study proved successful and further archaeological work was conducted with a refined methodology geared to Revolutionary War military sites.

It was during this final round of testing that a significant archaeological discovery was made on the grounds of the Fishkill Supply Depot—on one of the parcels primed for commercial retail development. Archaeologists working closely with the New York State Office of Historic Preservation’s archaeological program analyst, uncovered part of a large soldiers’ burial ground. Evidence indicates the presence of hundreds of graves, a monumental discovery, as the exact placement of one of the nation’s first and largest identified military cemeteries known to exist in the area has eluded historians and archaeologists for decades. Current research suggests that this is the largest Continental Army Burial Complex identified in our country’s history.

The at-risk properties within the boundaries of the Fishkill Supply Depot historic archaeological district are currently for sale or under private ownership. Their fate remains unclear. Senator Charles Schumer has been leading the preservation efforts in D.C. and has vowed to protect the historic lands of the Depot and the Continental Army Burial Complex as a sacred place of national memory. However, unless funding is secured and these properties are permanently taken off the market, the threat to this cultural landscape remains.

Get Involved
If you or your organization would like to contribute resources to protect the endangered lands of the Fishkill Supply Depot, please send an e-mail to, or write directly to: Friends of the Fishkill Supply Depot, PO Box 311, Fishkill, NY 12524. Volunteers are also encouraged to get involved in a range of research activities and events held throughout the year.

Letters advocating permanent protection of the historic lands of the Fishkill Supply Depot can either be mailed to: Friends of the Fishkill Supply Depot at the address above or e-mailed to

Friends of the Fishkill Supply Depot

The Dutchess Historian

Hudson Valley Times Article

USA Today Article

Senator Charles E. Schumer Press Release

Baumann Photography

About the Author:
Mara Farrell is co-founder of the historic preservation advocacy group, Friends of the Fishkill Supply Depot, and owner of Mara Farrell Communications based in Beacon, New York.

Link contains pictures.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3/9/2011 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

Meeting began with a moment of silence for retired Legislator Ballo who passed away last week.

Big news was the Consent Orders/Judgements that will result in lower taxes for the following properties.

RPA Associates
Stadium Plaza
Chelsea Waterfront

We will not know the chargeback to Fishkill until November. These properties bring alot of tax dollars in.

The Town will be taking possesion on the Wal-Mart pumping station. What's unique about this. Is that the electric service is on the same panel as the traffic lights.

Also, it was mentioned that Villages are allowed to use the old level election machines.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 5th, 2011 Fishkill Re-Organization Meeting

The 5th was Fishkill's re-organization meeting. This is the yearly meeting where professional services are hired by the town for the year.

The town went to Spain Insurance for it's coverage after many years of service with Brinkerhoff Insurance. The savings is $60,000 yearly. Mr. Brinkerhoff passed away last year at a early age.

Councilman LaColla was involved in a spirited debate over the re-newal of the Wladis Law Firm. The law firm stated that it saved the town $600,000, after the town spent $400,000 on it's services. LaColla mentioned that a application was pulled by the town, which was re-submitted by Wladis, for the Rombout Sewer District. LaColla indicated that the town was going to recieve the grant without Wladis assistance. LaColla and Councilman Callahan voted no on the re-hiring.

Councilman LaColla then requested that the town hold it's meeting in the evening so resident's could attend, as Fishkill is the only local in Dutchess that holds it's meetings in the morning. Supervisor Pagones shot that idea down.