Thursday, November 17, 2011

Property Taxes rise in Fishkill

According to the November 16th, 2011 edition of the Southern Dutchess News.

The Property Tax Levy, the amount of money the town needs for the year, is up 6.45%.

The Tax Rate, the amount the individual property owner pays, went up 9.01%

Friday, November 11, 2011

Senate committee clears preservation of Fishkill Supply Depot

WASHINGTON – The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has given its nod to allow federal funding for the Fishkill Supply Depot property in the Town of Fishkill, a depot for the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

The American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2011, which is supported by the National Park Service, must now go before the full Senate.

Senator Charles Schumer has been pushing for the federal designation to clear the way for funding. The current Battlefield Protection Program promotes preservation of Civil War battlefields.

In recent years, hundreds of graves dating back to the Revolutionary War have been found at the site.

Schumer said the bill would be a boost to the Hudson Valley’s “booming” tourism economy, while preserving the landmark for future generations.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Water & Sewer Consolidation in Fishkill?

Recently, Fishkill announced it recieved a grant to consolidate water districts in Fishkill. This is my letter to the editor regarding it.

Last week, Supervisor Pagones announced that Fishkill was the recipient. Of a grant to consider water and sewer consolidation. She mentioned that rent's in districts ranged from $7.70 to $50.40. Let me tell you how this happened. Under the regime of Pagones. She created water and sewer districts that allowed developers to put up more homes per acre. While passing the cost of water and sewer on the new homeowner. These districts include the Merritt Park districts which encompass the huge Toll Brothers development. This district has major water problems, as the NYS Health Department has called for remedial action on this well. One solution is to build a $22 million Reverse Osmosis plant. Bedford NY, a town of our size, is building one at that cost. Should the longtime taxpayer be responsible for Pagones's and the developers mistakes? The Rombout Sewer District that covers 9D. Has a $13 million debt load. Combining districts would mean that long time homeowner. That has paid off their infrastructure costs. Will now get the chance to pay for developers, that made big time cash. Let's take Pagones's numbers as a example. Let's add her numbers, that's $58 and now divide it, it's $29. So Pagones after she already tripled the water rates in Fishkill last year. Wants longtime Fishkill taxpayer. To pay much more, so developers can make make more cash. Think that's bad? What about the $10 million that she borrowed from water and sewer districts across town and transferred to the General Fund and spent? Great way to get rid of that debt on your back huh? The grant will also go to the same engineers and lawyers. That helped Pagones create this mess. No kidding, the people that caused this problem are now going to make even more cash. It pays to donate money to Pagones's political campaign. Fortunately, the citizens of Fishkill had enough of these shenanigans and voted her out and a new town board in.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fishkill needs a few Democrats on board

Fishkill residents will have a new Town Board for 2012. We have seen Republican Bob LaColla transcend politics by putting the town first. Bob has earned the honor to be supervisor.

However, there are two vacant board seats up for election. While both Republican candidates are good men, the brutal reality is Fishkill is now facing millions in deficits and major water/sewer problems due to 5-0 Republican control for the last 20 years.

I urge my Republican friends and fellow conservatives to consider the two Democrats for council.

Mara Farrell was instrumental in stopping a strip mall from being built on a Revolutionary War burial ground in Fishkill.

Tim Tuttle is a young attorney who can save us money. How? Fishkill budgeted $125,000 for lawyers, but spent $450,000 last year by outsourcing.

It's time for some "checks and balances" in Fishkill. For more, check them out at:

Ozzy Albra
