Thursday, May 17, 2012

5/16/2012 Fishkill Town Workshop Meeting

Of importance: The board clearly supports a developers plan. To donate waterfront land to the town. So the town can then apply for a grant to build a $10 million bridge to gain access to the site. The town will not only pay for the bridge. They may have to build the park to the tune of $4 million. The developer then gets access to nearly 100 acres of waterfront land. Great deal for the developer. When Pagones was Supervisor, she had the developer build the bridge and the park.

 The board indicated that Merritt Park/Toll was not blending with village water. But will continue with the plan to connect to Brinckerhoff Water. They may also apply for a loan to do so. Another $1 million bond for a smaller sewer district was found to be loaned for other purposes. Even though filing false documents is illegal. The board is not going to move on holding those accountable for those action. Judges want a $9,000 pay raise to work 2 extra nights for traffic.

Board then went into Executive Session to vote on Police issues. There appears to be a growing conflict between the board and PBA. Note: These sessions are not televised and are just as important as regular meetings as this is where they discuss the issues. It's also a way of keeping info away from the public.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Officials warn of claim to reduce property assessments, taxes

TOWN OF FISHKILL – A Long Island based company is misleading local residents on property assessments and charging a fee for securing what it says are reduced values, Fishkill Town Supervisor Robert LaColla warned Thursday. “This company is sending letters using residents’ 2010 assessments and purporting to fight for assessment that have already been reduced,” he said. A cut in assessment results in reduced property taxes. Several Fishkill town residents have received mailers from Assessment Correction Group of NY Inc., which state: “Our fees are simple – you pay us only when we succeed.” The letter says the fee is 60 percent of the first year savings plus appraiser’s fee of $100. Christian Harkins, the assessor for the towns of Fishkill and Wappinger said the letter is a “blatant attempt to mislead homeowners into contracting for the company’s services.” He said the letter also states a “possible new assessment,” but he said that claim is also “extremely misleading.” Harkins said the number is not produced from a “legitimate analysis” of a property’s value, but is just the 2010 assessed value reduced by 25 percent. “The letter makes it appear that the ‘possible new assessment’ is the actual market value of the property, which is not attainable.” A good source for FREE local news, check them out.

Problems in Snow Valley

I received the following e-mail and would like to share it with the citizens of Fishkill. Dear Fishkill Ridge Caretakers & Friends, The letter below, received 5-7-12, comes from Cheryl Miller, an out-of-state resident, amateur herpetologist and frequent visitor to Fishkill Ridge. We met last fall just before the deadline of the Montfort eviction notice that was executed by the lessee. Some of the remaining residents are disabled and underage. They have lived through the mildest winter in years (or ever), remaining there months after the eviction notice. Some of the residents may have no where else to go; some may be ‘hiding out.’ But whatever the reason, this is a public health crisis and huge social tragedy. Not only that… Snow Valley is located downstream from SDS&G, that much closer to the Village of Fishkill Public Water Supply. Last fall some of us witnessed a hole in the ground (=sand and gravel) near Clove Creek which some residents use to dispose of their personal sewage. This pit is located at the north end of the property, near Clove Creek. I am writing you all first of all to inform you. Second, I’d like some suggestions on what to do next. Best, Peter Peter Rostenberg Fishkill Ridge Caretakers. Hi Peter, I have visited Snow Valley a few times over the past 2 months to check in on the remaining residents as well as the resident snakes. I am appalled at the conditions of Snow Valley. On my first visit in April of this year, there were still apx 6 - 7 remaining households on site, which included CloudWalker and his family. As you know most of the trailers were not able to be moved with their owners, so they were left behind at Snow Valley. It appeared that the trailers were in the process of being "disasembled" at that point in time. Trash and trailer parts were everywhere. I was informed that there was no running water in the public area and it was stated that Joe, the elderly veteran resident had not showered in some time. As of yesterdays visit, the premises appeared to have fewer residents hanging on, but the condition of Snow Valley had deteriorated significantly from my last visit. Frank and Donna Martino (they still have no where to go), Grover and a few straglers whom I had never seen before were still there. I am not sure what happened to Joe, but I believe that he is still there as well. CloudWalker and family were leaving yesterday. They decided to pack it up because they could not take it anymore. I am glad that there children are out of the hell hole. Nia Moni expressed concern about the methods being used to dispose of the "trash" and motor homes. Some of it may have been carried out by a hired company, probably the recyclable money making metals, but the remaining parts are now being thrown in a very large pit and burned. There are pieces of motor home parts, including insulation, scattered everywhere. According to CloudWalker, on the day in which the "hired company" appearently disposed of tires in this pit, a very large black plume of smoke was filling the sky. He was surprised that the fired department was not summoned to investigate this matter as it must have been visible for some distance. All of this activity is taking place within very close proximity to Clove Creek, as you well know. You must get down there ASAP and find out why the Town Officials and the property owners, as well as Ally (the lessee) are allowing this to happen. I am concerned as it is obvious that no one is overseeing this. The Town of Fishkill is once agian conveniently turning its back on Snow Valley, and in doing so the Clove Creek Aquifer. It is a disgrace to see what has happened to that place. If you thought it was bad last fall, just makes you want to vomit. I wish I had taken pictures.....they speak a thousand words. Cheryl

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3, 2012 Fishkill Town Board meeting

At the May 3, 2012 Fishkill Town Board meeting. The Beacon City School District made a budget presentation. The school board stated. That it has stayed within the new tax cap limit, while maintaining it’s Fund Balance. Under the tough economic environment, the board should be commended for staying within the cap and preserving the Fund Balance. I will be voting yes for the budget and urge my fellow school district voters to do the same. Later in the meeting. Fishkill’s county legislator gave a update on the county finances. I wish I could say the news was good. Dutchess County is facing a $40 million deficit, with a Fund Balance of 1.5. In comparison, this years budget was balanced with a 6% tax rate increase, nearly 50 job losses and $24 million used from the Fund Balance. If 2012 resulted in a 6% tax increase, one can only imagine what 2013 will look like, as there is nearly no Fund Balance left and a $40 million deficit. It’s going to be brutal. In the past, tax increases were softened. As President Obama passed the Stimulus. Those funds are now gone and there is no desire from the public for another one. Now the burden of higher taxes have trickled down to the local level. Other news made that day. Was a decrease of property values for Wal-Mart by over $2 million. Which will be offset by more tax increases at the local level. There is also a on going issue regarding the police department and supervisory ranks. To date there has been no resignation resolution regarding the comptroller.