Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hudson Fjord Trail will prove a valuable asset

Will a $10 Million bridge will be needed?

Success in revitalizing the Hudson River waterfront is no easy undertaking, given complex bureaucracy and the diverse interests of stakeholders. We value the leadership of U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., in his support of the proposed Hudson Fjord Trail, an off-road route along the river linking the City of Beacon, the towns of Fishkill and Philipstown, and the Village of Cold Spring. Traversing one of the Hudson’s unique and highly visited stretches, the Fjord Trail will bolster tourism as well as Main Street economic development and keep the Hudson Valley on the map as an international destination. Each year, nearly 400,000 hikers, bikers and kayakers frequent the riverfront here to experience the Hudson Highlands’ dramatic scenery, but the Route 9D corridor remains a public safety risk because it offers limited access for pedestrians and bicyclists. Sen. Schumer, for the sake of our economy, safety and environment, we thank you!

Richard Shea
 supervisor, Town of Philipstown

Bob LaColla
supervisor, Town of Fishkill

Seth Gallagher
mayor, Village of Cold Spring

Randy Casale
mayor, City of Beacon

Steve Rosenberg
senior vice president, Scenic Hudson

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dutchess County $40 Million in debt

You think Fishkill is bad? This is going to impact us even more. The Fund Balance is nearly gone and positions have already been eliminated last year and there was still a 6% tax increase. Going to be worse this year.

What's ironic, is that blame is going to the previous County Executive as "inherited" debt. Why the Double Standard when it comes to the President who "inherited" much worse?

POUGHKEEPSIE – Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro will unveil a new initiative for public involvement in the 2013 county budget process at the session of the county legislature this evening.
Molinaro notes the county’s $40 million budget gap, which he inherited, must be addressed in next year’s spending plan.   He has assembled a team of county administrators to identify cost-saving measures in the current year.
“As we move forward we will have to outline significant decisions that are going to have to be made in order to confront the gap that I inherited as the budget condition moves forward,” he said.
Molinaro’s budget plan will be unveiled by his top administrators during the monthly county legislature session beginning at 7 p.m.  The meetings are webcast on the county website.


Check out this online newspaper, it's free.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

National Flood Insurance Program.


Any Fishkill resident that needs insurance, check out this site. You could save hundreds.

'The old Fishkill' is missed here, too

I was pleased to see Ozzy Albra’s letter expressing concern about the excessive growth of housing in the Town of Fishkill (“Development boom is costly burden for Fishkill,” June 3). As a former town councilman, I have been upset about the loss of “the old Fishkill.” I compliment Albra for monitoring the government.

Maybe if more of us did the same the town wouldn’t be in the $5 million of debt that it is.

Hal Brilliant


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6/6/12 Fishkill Town Board Meeting


Big news of the night was police promotions and demotions. If you are interested, watch the meeting on Public Access.

In other news, the FEMA flood maps that were passed into law this year. (Local Law #3 2012) Were supposed to help Fishkill receive grant monies in a flood. This law instead, has resulted in banks. Contacting homeowners requiring them to have flood insurance at a average cost of $1,800 a year. Even though their properties have never flooded.

If the house has a mortgage. The lenders are sending out notices requiring the insurance ASAP. If insurance is not acquired. The lender is acquiring it for them and adding it into the mortgage.

This is a huge hardship to Fishkill taxpayers.