Thursday, March 7, 2013

Letter about Internet Consultant hired by Councilman Buck

As published in the 3/6/2013 issue of the Southern Dutchess News, to subscribe as I do. Call 297-3723 for 52 weekly issues delivered for $26.

In the February 27 issue of the paper, you covered the termination of Fishkill’s IT consultant. This was a big issue in Fishkill, as the town board. Renewed his contract for 2013, even though he was arrested for 3 separate “theft” felonies in 2012. Councilman Buck, the towns self appointed Police Commissioner. Is quoted as saying the following in your paper. “We gave him the benefit of the doubt. We let him stay on until he was found not innocent.” “Not innocent” real clever what ever happened to guilty?

This was also covered in the February 22 issue of the Poughkeepsie Journal. Buck was also quoted in that paper saying the following, “If he wasn’t found guilty and we had terminated him, we would have been seen in a negative light.” Well Mr. Buck, that was not the situation. His contract expired and you renewed the contract. While other municipalities and even his own partner moved to distance themselves, Buck supported the renewal 100%.

Why would Buck, a retired police detective and current Police Commissioner, support a felon under indictment? Why would Buck be more worried about the “feelings” of an accused felon. Than protecting the security and integrity of the town and police records? Keep reading for the answer.
This is the second time that our police computers have been subject to a security breach. Last year a foreign national was given access to compile a analysis on the police department. At the September 19, 2012 Town Board meeting. Buck stated that the “Author did not have authorization on article 35 section 837 of the NYS Executive law.”

Three months later, Buck had a change of heart. While the foreign national was actually a foreign student intern trying to do her best. Buck went after her like she was a criminal. However, when a actual accused felon has access to our town and police computers, Buck is in a forgiving mood? Don’t believe that for one minute. When you check the campaign finance records. You will find the IT consultant as the one that maintains the Fishkill GOP website, and now you know the rest of the story.

Ozzy Albra
