Recently the Poughkeepsie Journal covered a story involving Hop Farmers and a $100,000 handout from Sen. Charles Schumer (“Hops farms may aid microbrewers,” March 26). What the paper left out was that the benefactors were Dutchess County Republicans. One is a current elected official, another one a former elected official who was ousted because of scandal and the last was a high-ranking committee member.
What I don’t understand is how Dutchess County Republicans can ask for a handout, after they hosted two Tea Parties at Dutchess Stadium and supported candidates that decried the stimulus. This goes beyond logical reason and is hypocritical. While I am pro-hop and business, and wish the Republicans success in their enterprise, I wish they would do so without a taxpayer handout.
But this hypocrisy is a cornerstone of today’s “Republican Establishment.” Even Paul Ryan, the GOP’s vice presidential nominee, decried the stimulus while applying for aid. What’s even more amazing is that the “low information voter” continues to vote and support those who campaign against handouts while taking handouts for themselves.
Ozzy Albra