Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fishkill Officials Hope to Eliminate Debt by 2016

Greg Maker Hudson Valley Reporter, for more local news check out the papers website.

FISHKILL, N.Y. – In an effort to deal with its ongoing fiscal struggles, the town of Fishkill has put together a deficit-reduction plan that sets spending and budgeting goals for the next three years and aims to eliminate its debt by 2016.
The town had incurred a budget deficit of $4.8 million by the end of 2011, $3.2 million of which still remains.
The town hopes to reduce the general fund deficit by $100,000 in 2014. The fund that covers the town outside the village is targeted to be slashed by $400,000, and the highway fund for the town outside the village will be reduced by $1.15 million in 2015. Town officials also want to delay major capital expenditures until 2015.
Part of the plan has town officials counting on real property tax revenue increasing. The 2014 tentative budget factors in $1.66 million in revenue from property taxes and projects $1.81 million by 2017. The plan also projects expenditures will drop between now and 2017. The town is budgeted to spend about $4.1 million in 2014. By 2016, expenditures are expected to be down to $3.9 million and in 2017 drop even further to $3.8 million.
“The Town Board acknowledges that prior budgetary practices, interfund borrowings, and the application of donated funds to cover operating expenses has significantly affected the town’s financial stability,” said Supervisor Bob LaColla. “Due to these practices, the town incurred an overall deficit of $4.8 million across its four general funds through year end 2011. The Town Board has made elimination of the deficit in all the major funds a priority.”
In the 2013 budget, the town was forced to override the 2 percent tax cap by raising taxes 53 percent. This year, residents in the town outside the village are seeing about a 15.4 percent increase with tax rates rising from $2.40 to $2.77 per $1,000 of assessed property value. Village residents in the town would see a tax hike of about 12.8 percent, going from 80.6 cents to 90.9 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value.
Additionally, homeowners in the Rombout Sewer District would see a raise in their rates from $44.28 to $53.14. Three water districts would see increases as well. Those in the Snook Road district would have their rates raised from $40 to $44 per quarter; Fishkill Glenn would increase to $27.40 per quarter from $15.40, while fees in Watch Hill would increase from $5.50 per quarter to $13.70.
LaColla said that increases are for districts that have not had rates go up in a long time or ever. In August, the rates of the Dutchess Park Sewer district were raised from $41.40 to $97.20 (135 percent) to help reduce some of the deficit.
“We were told by Moody’s that formal adoption of a deficit reduction plan would go a long way to secure financial markets,” LaColla said. “By formally adopting the plan, it will clear the path for future town boards.”
Even though 2016 is the target year to be back in the black, LaColla said it wouldn’t officially be out of debt until an audit is done and that might take until 2017.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fishkill taxes set to rise 15 percent

Taxes increased about 15.41 percent for residents as officials try to eliminate a $3.2 million deficit in full by 2016, Supervisor Bob LaColla said.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Three more hotels planned in Fishkill

FISHKILL – With its 11 hotels, the Town of Fishkill can be called the hotel capital of the Mid-Hudson Valley. Developers now have proposed construction of three more facilities, two in the busy Route 9 corridor and one on Route 52 at I-84.

Town Supervisor Robert LaColla said they demonstrate renewed interest in economic development.
“It is definitely a better ratable than an empty lot and we are glad to see things warming up again,” LaColla said. “Most of the development initiatives we have seen recently have to do with senior living, so it is nice to see a more commercial base coming in.”

One developer wants to build a four-story facility that would include both a Residence Inn with 125 rooms and a Spring Hill Suites with 75 rooms on a more than six-acre parcel in the Westage Business Center.

The other project, a Comfort Suites Hotel, would consist of 64 rooms, restaurant and retail building as a sister hotel to the existing Quality Inn on Route 52 at the Fishkill intersection of I-84 next to the 84 Diner.

For more free local news check out the papers website.

More Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Fishkill identified

FISHKILL – Friends of the Fishkill Supply Depot, the group seeking to preserve a 10.4 acre parcel of land in the Town of Fishkill known to be a burial site for Revolutionary War soldiers, has identified two dozen additional soldiers known to have been laid to rest there. That brings to 84, the number of Continental Army soldiers buried at the privately owned site on Route 9.

Group President Lance Ashworth said the property owner wants millions for the land.

“We have identified this half-acre portion that the burial is contained in,” Ashworth said.  “The trouble is the remaining 10 acres he has includes other significant ruins from the Revolution including the foundations of the officers’ horse stables, and so what you have on his property is like a little time capsule of the Revolution.”  
Ashworth said the group is seeking a matching grant to help fund the purchase and preservation of the property.

Editors note: The land was separated from the Hess Gas station after it was built and sold. There are interesting title and price issues regarding this parcel.

This memorial was moved from the site to the Van Wyck homestead in the mid 70's and is what caused the confusion of were the burial ground was.

For more free local news check out the papers free website. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2013 Town of Fishkill Election Results

Democrat Tim Tuttle & Republican Doug McHoul won 2 council seats and Darlene Bellis was re elected to Town Clerk.

Congratulations to all.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Vote Tuttle & Knips for Fishkill Town Council

Fishkill’s local elections are being held this November 5th. I urge residents to re-elect Councilman Tim Tuttle to a full 4 year term. Tim is the first Democrat elected in Fishkill in nearly 40 years. He won a 1 year term as a previous councilman retired. Tuttle an attorney, has performed exceptionally well in his first year. Tuttle has saved the town money with his legal knowledge. First, he defended the police when the Republicans wanted to move to a full time PD. Saving the taxpayers millions. He then defended the local tow truck companies who wanted to file a lawsuit after the Republicans attempted to create a new law benefiting select operators.

A meeting in which Republicans voted for a 135% sewer tax increase. Tuttle was the only one not to vote yes, while defending the public. Recently, Tuttle joined with Councilman Callahan (R) in refusing to allow the other Republicans to go over the tax cap.

Running with Tuttle is Mr. Thomas Knips. Knips, a Planning Board Chairman for nearly 10 years. Is an engineer that brings years of service in regards to the development of roads, sewers, water and other infrastructure problems that exist in the town.

After nearly 40 years of one party rule in Fishkill. It’s time to balance the board. One party rule in Fishkill has resulted in a 53% tax increase in 2013, a 135% sewer increase for 2014. Help me balance the board by voting Tuttle Knips this November 5, thank you.

Ozzy Albra
