Monday, April 21, 2014

Fishkill considers naming rec/senior center for fallen vets

For more free local news, check out the papers website as I do daily.

FISHKILL – Town Councilman Timothy Tuttle has proposed naming the town’s recreation/senior center after two Vietnam veterans from Fishkill who died in combat.

He suggested the facility be named for Robert Bruce and Michael Garlo.

Town Supervisor Robert LaColla said possible naming the center for veterans will be explored.

“There is a big place in everybody’s hearts for our veterans here in the Town of Fishkill,” LaColla said.  “There is a war memorial right on the Town Hall campus, so everybody believes in expressing their honor.  It was floated out as an idea. It is early in the discussion. It may be naming for a specific war group or an individual.”

At the same time, Fishkill resident and veteran Anthony Costa is urging the town board to update the town’s veterans’ exemption.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fishkill Assemblyman Lalor has second PAC account gaming veterans

For more Dutchess County news, check out the papers website.


    Despite claims to the New York Post  and Poughkeepsie Journal that he is closing down a Super PAC he operates, Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor(R-105th) is now also being tied to a second Super PAC. 

    Lalor recently told the press that he was shutting down his Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC due to time constraints and family obligations.  He stated, "There's 24 hours in a day, I have family, I have friends, there is only so much I can do."  Meanwhile, according to the Federal Election Committee website, the assemblyman applied to organize a second PAC, Warriors for Liberty, in May of 2013.  The statement of organization listed Lalor's personal email address and Fishkill home address as the contact information, and initially named himself as the custodian of records.  His wife, Mary Jo Lalor, was originally listed as treasurer, though she may not have ever served in that position. 

    The assemblyman has been questioned by the media for the last few years about the Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC and its operating expenses, as only five percent of the 1.8 million dollars raised had actually been given directly to the veterans it was donated for.  Asssemblyman Lalor's current chief of staff, Christopher Covucci, was the treasurer of this PAC.  He was replaced by Scott Mackenzie, whom Lalor told the press he does not know.  

    Mackenzie is a nationally known campaign finance consultant who uses seemingly predatory direct mail tactics to secure campaign donations, often in the name of veterans. Mackenzie is linked to direct market firms, Base Connect and Legacy List Marketing, both of whom Lalor employed for his own direct mail operations.  Both Base Connect and Legacy List made $1,000 campaign contributions to Lalor's 2012 assembly campaign.  Several other PACs, overseen by Mackenzie, also made sizeable contributions to the same campaign.  Both the Black Republican PAC and Conservative Strike Force PAC gave $2,500 each to Lalor in 2012.  

    Scott Mackenzie is now listed as the treasurer for the Warriors for Liberty PAC, though Lalor said he only brought Mackenzie in to shut down his original PAC.  The FEC 2014 report says that the PAC raised $324,000.

    The Warriors for Liberty PAC also transferred approximately $14,000 in funds to the Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans for Congress PAC in 2013.  Interestingly enough, the Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans for Congress ended 2013 with a deficit of slightly over $14,000, more than it contributed to the veterans seeking office.
    While Lawlor’s political opponents do not allege any unlawful activities with regard to these PACs, they do believe Lalor has been less than transparent with donors and the media. One such person told the Hudson Valley Newsthat they doubted contributors would have been as generous if told up front that only five percent of the funds raised would go directly to veteran candidates.

See the Hudson Valley News Wednesday in print for more.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fishkill Veteran News at the 4/16/14 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

Councilman Tuttle introduced discussion under new business. To name the Recreation/Senior Center after 2 Vietnam veterans from Fishkill who died in combat.

Robert Bruce who was the only son of the Bruce family, whose father served on the town's Planning Board, and Michael Garlo who lived on Charlotte.

Also veteran and Fishkill resident, Tony Costa. Is lobbying the board to update its veterans exemption. One that currently has Fishkill second from the bottom in Dutchess County.

Please get the word out, we would like to complete these issues by Memorial Day.

Monday, April 7, 2014

GOP paper hammers Fishkill Assemblyman Lalor on his veterans scam

ALBANY — An upstate Assemblyman raised nearly $1.8 million through a political-action committee he formed to back Iraq and Afghanistan war vets running for Congress — but only a mere $91,500 found its way to the candidates.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fishkill Woman Accused of Embezzling Money from Philipstown Business

PHILIPSTOWN, N.Y.  – The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office said it has arrested a Fishkill woman and charged her with embezzling more than $10,000 from her Philipstown employer.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fishkill Assemblyman Lalor votes against repealing the Energy Tax

Lalor just voted no for the 2014 NYS budget that is balanced, with NO tax increases and one that gave Mandate Relief for Dutchess County to repeal the Energy Tax.