Thursday, October 23, 2014

Letter published in Southern Dutchess

Great job by Fishkill Town historian Willa Skinner. Who was able to recognize the work of patriot Samuel Loudon. Loudon, was a newspaper man who published the NY Packet during the American Revolution. He also printed the first 2000 copies of the NYS Constitution in Fishkill. In a article, by this paper. A Fishkill resident is quoted that this was a “delayed recognition.” This is not true. In 1929, the Melzingah Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution recognized his importance. With a marker based in stone near the same area as the new marker.

Over the years as development engulfed Fishkill. The original marker went “missing.” This is not the first time a marker that documented Fishkill’s history was dishonored. Sometime during the 1970’s. The monument that identified the Revolution War Burial Ground. Was moved from the Rt. 9 Van Wyck corner, to the Van Wyck homestead north of the site. A few decades later a gas station was built on that hallowed ground.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Councilman Curry resigns

He resigned at the 10/15/14 town board meeting.