Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Fishkill Elant fined $600,000 by NYS Attorney General

GOSHEN – Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today announced that Elant, Inc., a Mid-Hudson area nursing home chain, will pay $600,000 to resolve claims that it delayed the discharges of short-term residents at its facilities.  As part of a settlement, Elant admitted that between 2008 and 2011 it had a practice of postponing discharges of short-term residents who were clinically ready to leave Elant facilities against the wishes or without the informed consent of the residents or their families.  Elant, which is headquartered in Goshen, also admitted that it orchestrated the transfer of several long-term residents to one of its financially-troubled facilities to improve that facility's financial condition.

Note this is the same facility that is involved in the Birches land deal.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

TGM Associates Sells 360-Unit Multifamily Property in Fishkill, N.Y., to Hampshire Properties out of Brooklyn

This complex is near the Gap. Lets hope this stays on the tax rolls.

Watchtower Selling Off More NYC Properties

While NYC will reap millions in more tax revenue. Upstate NY will lose tax revenue. Lets hope they do not buy more land in Fishkill.

Photos courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses

The vacant site at the bottom right of this DUMBO photo is 85 Jay St., which the Jehovah's Witnesses are selling. Photo courtesy of Jehovah's Witnesses

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Updated Fishkill town audit out

Interfund Advances Town officials should review all interfund advances and determine the actual amount owed each fund.

The Board should ensure that all interfund borrowings are paid in a timely manner. Status of Corrective Action: Not Implemented

Observations/Findings: We reviewed the Town’s schedule of interfund advances and found a balance of approximately $7 million in advances for the year ending 2014, indicating the advances were not properly repaid by the end of the fiscal year in which they were made. Additionally, in the 2014 and 2015 interfund advance schedule, many accounts had negative balances due to accounting errors. For example, the “Due From” accounts in 2014 included negative balances totaling $740,000, indicating that interfund advances were not properly recorded. Therefore, Town officials cannot know what is actually owed between multiple funds. Further, the Town’s corrective action plan submitted in response to our 2013 audit1 indicated that Town policy calls for interfund advances to be authorized and approved by the Board, properly recorded and repaid by the end of the fiscal year in which the advance was made. Our follow-up review found that the Board has not established such a policy.

Sewer Extension and Affordable Housing Trust Funds The Board should determine how the $758,000 of funds intended for the sewer extension and the $23,750 balance of funds intended for use in the affordable housing trust fund were actually expended. The funds should be replaced and used for their intended purpose.

Status of Corrective Action: Not Implemented 1 Town of Fishkill: Fiscal Stress (Report No. 2013M-188) 2 Observations/Findings: The Town recognized and reported the $758,000 as restricted fund balance in the 2012 and 2013 independent audit report; however, it was not reported as restricted fund balance on the Town’s 2013 annual update document submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller. The $23,750 was not correctly posted to the housing trust fund. The Town’s independent auditors, during the 2013 audit, suggested an adjusting journal entry be made as a receivable from the townoutside-village fund (where the amount was originally posted) and credited into unreserved fund balance. While the Comptroller indicated that he made the entry, he has not provided information to support this.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Home Values increasing in Fishkill?

According to several homeowners. They have received increased assessment notices raising their home values by 10%. This is unusual as property values have not increased in the past year. Can Fishkill taxpayers who have been hit with 67% tax increases under LaColla afford to pay more?

Sunday, May 3, 2015


 Ex-Captain Scott Bierce's Attorney has filed Notice that indicates their intent to appeal to the United States Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit ,which is the intermediate federal appeals court in New York City Court, From two decisions by (U.S. DISTRICT COURT) Judge Briccetti.  MR. Bierce,s Attorney Micheal Sussman  of Goshen, New York states that "one decision excused the Town supervisor Bob Lacolla personally from the case and the second decision excused the Town Of Fishkill". This lawsuit was filed alleging the Town of Fishkill violated Mr. Bierce's First Amendment  right to freedom of association by demoting him for supporting a particular political candidate.   Mr Bierce was demoted to a patrolman even though he was the second most senior police officer of the department with 32 year at the time of the demotion . After several year's and Civil service guide lines Mr. Bierce was promoted by Chief THOMAS Fazio and confirmed by the Town Board as a Police Sergeant in Sept of 2014 were he continues to serve the great people of the Town Of Fishkill proudly.  His appeal can take up to 9-12 months for a decision.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fishkill Town Police claim hostile work enviornment

Town Hall sources have revealed to me that the PBA. Has sent a letter to all members of the board. Claiming a hostile work environment.

I will make updates when I receive more information.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Great Story on Beacon Volunteer Ambulance that covers southern Fishkill

Beacon Has Dutchess’ Only Volunteer Ambulance Corps

BVAC’s major annual fundraiser will take place on Sunday, March 22, at Dutchess Manor on Route 9D. And since Dutchess Manor is generously donating the venue, staff and food, 100 percent of the proceeds will go to supporting BVAC.

Monday, March 16, 2015

SAFE Act Letter in the 3/14/2015 issue of the paper.

Improve SAFE Act with amendments
Recently the Poughkeepsie Journal ran a story on the SAFE Act. It's clear there is still public outcry over this Democratic and Republican passed law. Outcry resides in three things: recertification, assault weapon ban and ammunition checks. Let's review all three.
1. Recertification every 5 years is without a fee or training. States like Texas in comparison place expiration dates on their licenses and require a fee and a proficiency course every 5 years. New York does not, thus there is no infringement with recertification.
2. Assault Weapon ban. Clearly a infringement of the 2nd Amendment. Solution, make these weapons pistol permit required.
3. Background checks with "fees" on ammunition purchases. Another clear infringement. SAFE makes drivers license checks a pistol permit check. When a officer runs your drivers license, he will know if you have a valid pistol permit with the swipe of the license. Let's use that technology for ammo and pistol purchases. Licensees should not have to wait for a pistol coupon if they are valid.
3a. No out of state ammunition purchases, another infringement. Solution? Do what New Jersey does and require a certified copy of your license to the seller for purchase.
Instead of fighting for repeal. Our elected officials should amend the law to make it better. These are simple solutions that make sense. While we are at it. How about a range at the new jail that allows civilians some practice time. After all, we are paying for it.
Ozzy Albra

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cell Phone Tower test scheduled for March 21

Cell phone tower is being proposed at the town highway garage.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

6 Arrested for prostitution in Fishkill hotel

State County and Village police made the arrest. The investigation following a tip on the internet.