Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Great Story on Beacon Volunteer Ambulance that covers southern Fishkill

Beacon Has Dutchess’ Only Volunteer Ambulance Corps

BVAC’s major annual fundraiser will take place on Sunday, March 22, at Dutchess Manor on Route 9D. And since Dutchess Manor is generously donating the venue, staff and food, 100 percent of the proceeds will go to supporting BVAC.

Monday, March 16, 2015

SAFE Act Letter in the 3/14/2015 issue of the paper.

Improve SAFE Act with amendments
Recently the Poughkeepsie Journal ran a story on the SAFE Act. It's clear there is still public outcry over this Democratic and Republican passed law. Outcry resides in three things: recertification, assault weapon ban and ammunition checks. Let's review all three.
1. Recertification every 5 years is without a fee or training. States like Texas in comparison place expiration dates on their licenses and require a fee and a proficiency course every 5 years. New York does not, thus there is no infringement with recertification.
2. Assault Weapon ban. Clearly a infringement of the 2nd Amendment. Solution, make these weapons pistol permit required.
3. Background checks with "fees" on ammunition purchases. Another clear infringement. SAFE makes drivers license checks a pistol permit check. When a officer runs your drivers license, he will know if you have a valid pistol permit with the swipe of the license. Let's use that technology for ammo and pistol purchases. Licensees should not have to wait for a pistol coupon if they are valid.
3a. No out of state ammunition purchases, another infringement. Solution? Do what New Jersey does and require a certified copy of your license to the seller for purchase.
Instead of fighting for repeal. Our elected officials should amend the law to make it better. These are simple solutions that make sense. While we are at it. How about a range at the new jail that allows civilians some practice time. After all, we are paying for it.
Ozzy Albra

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cell Phone Tower test scheduled for March 21

Cell phone tower is being proposed at the town highway garage.