Sunday, January 10, 2010

Merrit-Toll Brothers Water Problems

Last year at this time, the Merritt Park-Toll Brothers well on Snook Rd. Was found to be contaminated with high levels of Sodium and Chloride. Fishkill reserved it's right to sue the state over the contamination, even though they built a well at the intersection of Route 9 and I84. The NYS Health Department ordered the town to come up with a re-medial plan to address the problem. The town has 3 choices:

1. Continue to blend the Snook water with Village water.
2. Build a filtration plant. (about 15 million)
3. Hook into the Brickerhoff Water District.

The outcome was supposed to be out around July of 2009. The town was granted a extension until December of 2010. This is important as Toll Brothers will most likely, be sold out and leave. This means that the residents will not have any leverage over Toll.

According to my inside sources. Fishkill will take the Snook-Merritt-Toll well, offline. (3 Million Dollars of taxpayer money wasted, including a pipeline paid for by taxpayers) Until the building of a filtration plant becomes cost effective. Since Fishkill's elected officials tout a town wide water district, the cost associated with it will be bourne by all Fishkill residents.

The blending of water with the village, even though another well was drilled. May not happen as water capacity is limited. Recently, Fishkill recieved over 650K from a developer to secure Sewer Capacity at a mine that will be turned into a housing development. It appears that this village water is being reserved for future development along Route 9.

That leaves Brinckerhoff as the only logical alternative. Residents in this district, (Dutchess Park) who have paid of their infrastructure, will now be resposible for the water problems caused by Fishkill Officials and developers. That means higher costs and bonds.

Fishkill officials claim there is nothing wrong with the water. If so, why will it cost Fishkill residents more money?

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