Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12th 2010, Fishkill Town Board Meeting

Development was the hot topic today. There was s public hearing involving maximum building size. A developer representing Magnolia on 9D. Spoke up against it. He also reminded the town. Of his $700,000 donation to the drawdown, on the 12 million Rombout Sewer District. Of importance, is that Fishkill officials. Made a claim that this was a PLA (Project Labor Agreement). The developer never heard of the PLA. This development is on the Blossom Loop accross from Castle Point.

The board then went into Executive Session.

Upon Return, a discussion about the new Highland Valley Trailer Park was discussed. This WAS NOT ON THE AGENDA, and was brought up after the Executive Session, as people leave the meeting and do not return.

This will be a Lot Lease agreement. There will be 110 units at 70-140K each. This property is the Montfort Mine. It adjoins Highland Valley and public access will be off Snow Mountain. Clove Creek is also in the area. This will also add 111 children to Haldane School District.

Monday, May 3, 2010

5/3/2010 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

Board went into Executive Session right after the pledge. It appears that the town may be either working on a settlement, or preparing for trial, regarding a Civil Rights case filed in White Plains in Federal Court.

Executive Sessions are closed to the public.