Thursday, February 28, 2013

Councilman should "sell" tax increase to residents himself

As published in the 2/27/2013 issue of the Southern Dutchess News, to subscribe as I do. Call 297-3723 for 52 weekly issues delivered for $26.

Fishkill taxpayers who have been hit with a 53% town tax increase, 78% water rate increase and a 25% sewer rate increase this year. Are now facing a Republican controlled board, which now wants to pass a Hotel Tax. Even though these businesses also had their taxes go up 51%.

At the 2/20/2013 Special Town Board meeting, that was not televised and attended by myself. Councilman Buck told the supervisor, that he could “sell” the Hotel Tax just like he did with the 53% tax increase. Well I got news for Buck. The supervisor was unable to “sell” the 53% tax increase to his own board which was 5-0 GOP in 2012.

For those that don’t know. The supervisor of the 5-0 GOP board produced a budget that included a 53% tax increase. When put up for a vote. 2 members voted no and Buck was absent for the biggest fiscal vote in Fishkill history. That made the vote 2-2 and the budget failed to pass. What happened next, was that the budget passed by default. Reverting to the preliminary budget which had the same increase.

If Buck, wants to raise taxes in Fishkill. He should “sell” it himself. He should take it to the public and tell the citizens of the town why this is a good idea. A real leader does not let someone else do their homework.

Ozzy Albra


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Letter to Southern Dutchess News regarding Councilman Kurt Buck and the Fishkill Town PD.

As published in the 2/13/2013 issue, to subscribe as I do. Call 297-3723 for 52 weekly issues delivered for $26.

Councilman Buck’s quest to take over the Town of Fishkill Police Department is nearly complete. Last December, Buck along with 2 other councilman. Violated Town Board Rules and voted himself Police Commissioner. He stated he needed “oversight” of the police department. But that was not enough for Buck.

At the February 6, 2013 Fishkill Town Board meeting. Buck stated he now had his own office in the police department. The reason being is that he was hearing a lot of “hearsay” and he wanted to find out what was going on. Buck stated that this was still a “oversight” position. It is not, he is now in a “supervisory” position. Councilman Curry stated Buck wanted a presence to meet with the Police Chief. Does this mean that the Police Chief does not have his own office?

Buck then asked me if I thought this action was going to politicize the police department. I responded that this would absolutely politicize the police department. Ever since Buck a retired police officer was sworn in as councilman. The police department began having problems. We all know of the multiple lawsuits, grievances and the lack of a Chain of Command that has ruined Command Discipline because of politics. But this is a precedent that is very dangerous and needs to be reconsidered. If Buck wants to run a police department. He should have stayed where he was and advanced through merit, instead of taking over a police department by using politics.

Ozzy Albra


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2/6/2013 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

This meeting was televised and is archived on the internet.

Supervisor LaColla stated that the NYS Comptroller will be conducting a follow up audit of the town.

There was a Public Hearing on Outdoor Furnaces.

I speak at the 5 minute mark and asked the following agenda item questions.  There were questions about the proper use of Police DARE monies, and the Fishkill Supply Depot Burial Ground. I asked that the land be re zoned as a cemetery and reminded the board that a 1897 Fishkill Town Board resolution already recognized the site.

I then speak at the 1:04 minute mark and ask questions about the Hotel Tax, a possible lawsuit, a follow up on the earlier DARE question and a water rate increase that impacts town residents that buy water from the village.

I then asked why Councilman Buck acting as Police Commissioner. Was getting a office in the police department. He stated he was there to see what was going on, as he was hearing a lot of hearsay. Councilman Curry stated that Buck wanted a presence to meet with the Chief.

Buck asked me if I thought this was going to politicize the police department and I responded with absolutely. I also mentioned that this was going to set precedent.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Village of Fishkill Public Hearing Water Rate Hike

On 2/4/2013, the Village of Fishkill held a Public Hearing in regards to raising water rates 10%. The increase includes the village and town residents in Glenham, Beacon Hills, Blodgett, Round Hill, Osborne Hill and any other town water district that buys their water from the village.

A short discussion with myself and the board ensued. Over a previous blog entry of mine claiming that this was "Taxation without Representation" for town residents. The village board stated that town residents were represented via a contract. I responded that the town never mentioned this increase at any town board meeting and that there were no town board members present at this Public Hearing.

This is a issue as Village residents are allowed to vote in Town elections, but Town residents are not allowed to vote in Village elections.

The Village Hall was also completing renovations and added larger bathrooms.

A engineer also talked about the Village Sewer plant. The village just paid off it's 40 year bond and the engineer stated that the life span is 40 years, but that the plant is in good shape, but at capacity. The board mentioned that they were in discussion with the town to maybe hook into the Rombout Sewer plant.

Water and Sewer crisscrosses the Village and Town of Fishkill along with the City of Beacon. Half of the town (Dutchess Park SD) and parts of the village send their sewer to the City of Beacon. The western half of Fishkill has it's own new $13 million sewer plant. Beacon while having capacity, has major problems with the pipes leading to their plant. If Fishkill town and village could combine, it could save Fishkill taxpayers in the long run.

Water also crisscrosses in the Town of Fishkill. At least 7 town communities buy water from the village, that draws it's water from well fields in the town. Parts of the 9D corridor in Fishkill also purchase water from Beacon.

A Village Board member mentioned that the water was Gold. That is a fact, we have very good water in Fishkill and we need to protect it. It's more valuable than Gold as you cannot live without clean healthy water.