Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fishkill town cop sues over ‘politically motivated’ demotion

TOWN OF FISHKILL – Scott Bierce was a captain in the Fishkill Town Police Department until he expressed his support for former Town Supervisor Joan Pagones. She lost to Robert LaColla. It was shortly thereafter that Bierce was demoted to the rank of patrolman and he alleges in a federal lawsuit that the reduction in rank was as a result of outspoken support for LaColla’s opponent.

Bierce maintains that he never violated departmental or town policy in his support for Pagones, but that almost immediately after LaColla took office this past January, he proposed elimination of one of the two captain’s positions. “This reduction caused [Bierce] a loss of rank, status, salary and benefits,” the suit states. It also “humiliated him and detracted from his professional reputation and career opportunities,” according to the court filing.

Bierce’s attorney, Michael Sussman, said he is seeking restoration of his rank and financial considerations.

LaColla had no comment on the suit pending his receipt and review of the court papers.

For more local news, check out the papers free website.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

9/26/2012 Fishkill Special Town Board Meeting

This meeting was not televised and not on video. Highlights were the creation of Special Downstream Water Drainage Districts that would include Dutchess Park, Beacon Hills and possibly one other location. Interesting reading in the agenda packet regarding it.

The was also a resignation letter from a town employee that caused a stir. That was handled in Executive Session as a private personal matter.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

9/19/2012 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

This meeting was on video and worth watching. A heated discussion regarding a Police Report was the highlight of the meeting. Councilman Buck was against the report and had harsh words for it. Supervisor LaColla countered and slightly backed off Buck.

Police Officer Gallo also spoke about the report.

I also spoke in favor of the police.

Fishkill Supervisor LaColla calls Ozzy Albra a "Hero" for his public participation

Please note, that I do not consider myself a hero. Just a ordinary citizen that cares about his community.

Fishkill town board discusses term limits

By Kristine Coulter Staff Writer, Southern Dutchess News. A great source for local news, to subscribe as I do. Call 297-3723 for 52 issues at $26 per year, very reasonable.

Fishkill - Term limits could come to the Town of Fishkill. The town board recently discussed the issue of  
limiting the number of times a person could be elected to hold office.

"I honestly believe that we should think about (term limits)," said Fishkill Deputy Town Supervisor Brian Callahan. "I don't think anybody should pitch a tent here for three or four terms."

Callahan went on to say that the challenges the town currently faces are "partially our own fault because we believed." The councilman added that people should have the opportunity to bring up other ideas.

A person would be able to run twice, for terms of three years, suggested Callahan.

"It's not what you elect people to do, it's who you elect," said Fishkill Supervisor Bob LaColla at the September 12 board meeting.

When a candidate is elected to be supervisor, that person is currently elected to a four year term. The same is true for the terms of councilperson. Those are the two positions that would have term limits, if voted for, by the board.

"As easily as we can make term limits, another board can undo them," noted the supervisor.

Supervisor LaColla went on to say, "I agree with the sentiment. I want to put the onus on the people to stay in touch" with what town officials are doing. He mentioned how surprised he was at the number of residents that watch the televised board meetings.

LaColla said people should not relax and they should question "everything" the board does. He called resident Ozzy Albra a "hero" for what Albra has done for the town by questioning officials at board meetings. Albra brought up the idea of a ward system like some municipalities have.

Councilman Tony Curry said he could see how some people could get complacent.

Councilman Tom Knips stated that a two-year term would not be a long enough amount of time for someone to get used to the position and then worry about campaigning again right away.

LaColla recently stated it is up to Callahan if the discussion regarding term limits moves forward.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/13/2013 Independence Party Primary

Tim Tuttle defeated Thomas Knips for the Independence Party line by a 2-1 margin. Tuttle was nominated by the party and Knips decided to force a Opportunity to Ballot write in election.

This is in regards to a open town council seat, that will be filled by this Novembers election. (A one-year term)

Mr. Tuttle will be on the Democrat, Independence and Working Families lines. While Mr. Knips will be on the Republican and Conservative lines.

NOTE: The Fishkill town board has had a 5-0 Conservative Republican majority in Fishkill for the last 50 years. This is the root of the economic problems in Fishkill. Conservative Republicans have made Fishkill the worst economic rated town in the entire state.

9/12/2012 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

This was a Special Meeting and was not televised.

A Police Operational Report was withdrawn from discussion. There was talk about creating a Drainage District for Dutchess Park and Beacon Hills. What this means, is that those area residents will have another line on their tax bill and another tax bill.

Wood Boilers could be regulated soon.

Term Limits appears to be a dead issue.

Texaco was mentioned as it's last building is about to be demolished.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sculptural Tribute to Sachem Daniel Nimham

Michael Keropian made a presentation at the last board meeting. In regard to creating a statue for Scahem Daniel Nimham. Nimham was influential in the Revolution and died for the cause. He is rich in Fishkill history and should be honored. This is Keropian's website,

daniel nimham

September 5, 2012 Fishkill Town Board Meeting

This is a regular meeting and is on the video link, check it out.

There was a 5-0 vote to raise sewer rates 20% and a 5-0 vote to raise the water rates in the Brinckerhoff/Dutchess Park water district 78%

A vote of 5-0 was taken to add $200,000 to the Rombout Sewer District debt load.